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The Guiding Light to Connection
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What is Illuminate?

Illuminate is a lamp and app that aims to connect loved ones who are apart. Illuminate allows people to share when they are feeling down without having to explain the reason why, letting them seek comfort from loved ones in a “guilt free” way. The lamp and remote are used to log when you are feeling down via a small sad face button. A loved one who has the Illuminate app on their phone will be notified of this change in emotion. They can then record a comforting voice message within the app that can be sent directly to your lamp! When their message reaches your Illuminate lamp it will begin to light up with a warm glow. To play your loved ones message simply press play on your lamps remote and let your worries and sadness drift away. Let your loved one know their message made a difference by pressing the happy face on your remote, it’s that easy!

The Story Behind Illuminate

The whole project was inspired by my older brother who as a result of long covid has suffered many health issues that have prevented him from being able to see me for the past two and half years. He isn’t really a big technology user which means there really haven't been any other ways to see or interact with him. Being isolated and alone has definitely taken a toll on him but because he's my older brother he’s less likely to open up to me about how he's feeling as I’m the little sister that he’s supposed to “protect”.


Illuminate gives him a way to let me know when he's feeling down without having to explain why which takes away some of the stress about sharing his emotion. As well as giving me some comfort knowing that I'm able to send him messages and reassure him during difficult times, ultimately strengthening our connection whilst we are apart.

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